Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Writing Class : Meeting 8 ( Why students do copy paste )

The day of the development of science and technology is more advanced, amid the progress of technological development is not balanced by an awareness of its use it effectively and efficiently. Technology should be used to facilitate the work of man, instead making their users lazy to think, especially those students who exercised his duties just copying from the internet. This culture has occurred almost throughout the country, students are increasingly reluctant to tackle the task-strictly speaking, due to the existence of a more advanced technology is wrong in its use.
Lately, the copy paste culture is thriving, students assume the copy paste is very helpful in doing his duties, by having the student do not have to copy paste thinking for doing his job, just copy from the internet and edit a bit, the task is finished. This is impacting on the ability of the children declined, either because the child did not think himself in doing his job, just copied from others. The difficulty of supervision to control copy and paste among the students, make copy paste the more that do. The development of this technology, needs to be balanced with the data security in the internet, so that it is not easy to copy paste.
It's unfortunate, the technology should be used to facilitate the work of man, even used for things that are not appropriate. The use of copy and paste violates the regulations of the Copyright Act, i.e., the applicable date, Act No. 19 of 2002. In the law, the notion of copyright is "exclusive rights to the creator or the recipient the right to announce or reproduce his creation or give permission for it to not reduce limitations according to the legislation in force" ( For it to be held against their use and safety supervision is more of a technological developments, so that the data can be used properly and not membodohkan users.
Actually Copy and paste according to the crucial course allowed me unknown the owner *hehe. Mmm I mean that matters right, so even though we copy and paste it should still be good and know how true that is not considered theft. Actually not a copy paste, rather quoted like that. For example, enter the name of the author of the file and the address if there is no reference from which we get the info. But remember! quoting with copy paste it was different guys. Remember! D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T. At least that is his name citing it was more elegant than copy paste reply in my opinion. don't want to do works that already you make on copy paste so alone, we already thought up to the brain is saturated, eeeh there precisely with enjoyed their just copy paste. It's not Fair, yes no?
Copy paste in the World Lecture is also strictly prohibited guys. Because the copy paste it is tantamount to stealing, and the word pak Ustadz stole it of sin and if most of you later go to hell. So in conclusion Copy paste = = E = Plagiarism does not pass. You want to be a student forever settled the Enduring hold on campus? you do not you see friends are the flowers of flowering to use it while working with her future husband when graduation? So, if do not want to be an MA (the eternal Student) never copy paste especially if create a Thesis. I guarantee you guys directly told to recreate even DO from campus. So, don't be the guy who never thinks of anything happening. Oh yes one more please do not Copy and Paste.

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Writing class : Meeting 7 ( My Admire )

Things or qualities I admire my father is from:

My father is a man of honest and hardworking. However I rarely spend much of my time with my dad, but since childhood I have much to learn about the discipline and independence from him. Even though my daughter only at home, my dad did not familiarize me with the spoil me. There is no difference in treatment with both my brother even in terms of penalty if we made a mistake. But from there I can grow into children who are aware of the responsibility and discipline. I learned that being spoiled is not nature but that "material" or the wrong habits. Moreover, we are accustomed to losing my dad traveled out of town so at home taught to survive each other and keep each other. After I was grown up as now I'm closer to both my parents and reap the many positive things about life. Even now my Dad turned out to be more over protective, but I very much understand that it is a form of affection on me. I really appreciate and thank my father for his struggle to us. Thanks for the accompany and guide us up until now, giving a decent education, for a comfortable place to live and all the amenities that fit with what we need. No one else from my dad which I didn't admire.

Things or qualities I admire my mother is:

My mother is a woman who is compassionate. When I was grown and now rarely together with family, I became closer with my mother. Although my mother rarely visited us, but when he comes to visit, we spent much time both good spending time with streets or discussing the issue of jobs. I highly admire of he is he is a very independent and brave. Wherever he is, easy or quick to adapt. It was finally confirmed that I follow wherever I go, I never worry to come out of my comfort zone and learn to adapt to the new place. So wherever I go, my mother never restricts my step. My mother is stronger and believe in me in giving the freedom in choosing. My mother was more assertive in rebuking me and advised me in terms of finance. My mom is also very understanding, he is very familiar indeed me since youth is not the type of person who likes the crowd let alone to share my story with anyone and compared to my brothers and sisters would prefer to own. Though it's been so many years not living together, but he is still very familiar with the nature of his children and not impose the will to enter into our privacy.

Senin, 28 April 2014

Writing Class : Meeting 6 ( If I could go back in time )

If I could go back in time..
I would like to repeat a time when I was still with him . He's the first time to dye my day . Today where can feel the happiness and distress together . When I was there beside him , a heavy load feel lighter .
In the past , the first time I was afraid to go to college . You know why ? Because I think it's very creepy syudied world . And always on overload with the name of the task that very much . A few months passed . When I sat down in the second half , I met a man who had the initials * BSH * . He was on the faculty of education and teacher training as well , to be exact physics courses . Maybe it's the name future children approach or language today is * PDKT * . after me and him get to know one and other , we establish a less formal relationship .
Courtship , yes we going :D We establish this relationship about three months . And during these three months , we were pretty serious relationship . Both of our parents had already known each other . In fact often times we held a family meeting . Really happy . But the happiness did not last long . Three months in full through memories should end up with just one night only. Night where we should end this relationship . Night which is probably the most horrific night . Suddenly she sends a short message to me " our relationship has to end up here " . It made me think long message . What mistake have I done so he sent me a message like that . As it turned out , he did not like my nature too openly on social media . He did not like the relationship status listed in my social networks one on facebook or twitter . He prefers the closed nature , we only know of this relationship , and no one person who should know about our relationship . But it turns out it was too late . My nature is too open to make this relationship should end . My first relationship turns proud - proud to be stranded in the middle of the street like this .
If I could go back in time , I'd be more secretive about my love affair . I would not be too open on social media that my relationship and my partner can both last a long time later .

Senin, 21 April 2014

Writing Class : Meeting 5 ( The description of narrative text )

Nama : Zhera Risma Dara
NPM : 12340054

The description of narrative text

Narrative Text is text which describes something as imaginative or something that only a mere delusion and aim only to entertain the reader.

1. the types of Narrative Text

Narrative Text has a core story that is usually just a writer's imagination or real events captured by the author or could even merge the two. In various sources of Narrative Text can be found in the form:
a. fables (stories about animals that behave like humans are depicted)
b. fairy stories (stories of the fantastic nature, full of wonders)
c. mysteries
d. science fiction
e. romances
f. horror stories
g. legends
h. historical narratives
i. personal experience (personal experience)
j. ballads (ballad, a story that can move readers, usually in the form of a love story that it was not until)

2. Generic Structure Narrative Text

In the Narrative Text, the order is as follows:
1. Orientation
At the Orientation or introduction of introduction of the characters in the story as well as the time and place of its occurrence.

2. Complication
On the Complication of an overview to the emergence of a crisis or problem in natural by the story that needs to be solved.

3. Resolution
The Resolution describes how baigan character from the story to solve problems that exist on the Complication.

On some references about Narrative Text, there is an additional generic structure in Narrative Text, namely the addition of a Coda after a Resoultion. So the order of Narrative text is Orientiation, Complication, Resolution and Coda.

3. Literary characteristics of Narrative Text

a. using a Simple Past Tense sentence patterns
b. usually begins with an adverb of time (Adverbs of Time). Such as: a long time ago ..., once, one, once upon a time.

how to differ from other writing genres

how to differ narrative text with other text is the generic structure of each text. for example, in narrative text there is a generic structure with different report text. as we know, the generic structure of narrative text is an orientation, complication, resolution, and sometimes there is a coda. While the report text has a generic structure such as orientation, event and the re-orientation.
And communicative purpose of Narrative Text as described is to entertain listeners or readers about a story or stories the past borne with real experience, the fantasy or strange events leading
to a crisis, which ultimately found a settlement. is different from the report text is a text that tells a story, action or activities.

the steps how to make a narrative writing

Here's an easy way to make Narrative Text.

1. specify the protagonist (main characters). The main character in can be animal or human preferences.
2. specify the setting of the time and place (the setting of the time and place).
3. specify the problems that will be faced by the main character (complication). The problems encountered can be more than one problem.
4. specify the resolution of the issues facing the main character (resolution).

Create a draft of a story based on the above steps then developed according to your own language.

 Example of Narrative Text :

My Failure, to be a famous photographer

Being a photographer? Yes, that was my dream since childhood. Take a picture with good, appropriate, and coloring objects the support the level of achievement of a photographer. Not only that, a photographer of course should have a camera that supports. Isn't it so? Yes! That's one reason that is preventing me to defer my dreams of being a photographer, hehe. And this one example of a failure in my life. In addition, I have experience about the failure of my life about my dream to become a photographer.
Here's the story ...
          Two years ago, when I was in the third grade of high school. I have the desire to continue education to a higher level at one of the universities in jakarta with the Faculty of modelling and photography. To achieve my desire, I always try to learn in earnest. Finally, the announcement of graduation announced. And thank God I am including one of the pupils who successfully pass the national exam. It's become one of my stock to remain optimistic continuing my dream to stay enrolled at universities that I dreamed of for a long time. (orientation)
          A week after the announcement, I apply via online. Wide range of requirements has been my fill. And just stay waiting for the written and oral tests. I continue to learn and prepare themselves carefully in order to welcome the test questions. Starting from les private to study groups with your friends. And finally, any test of time to arrive. I have been ready to welcome the problems with the provision that I have as well as the prayer of both my parents. Sixty minutes has passed, that means time to work on any problem has ended. While leaving the room, I try to review the matter again in the last test to my friends. And it turns out they were having a lot of difficulty, the same is the case with me. It made me into doubt. Will I qualify for selection? Or just the opposite? I don’t know. (complication)
          A week after the test, the announcement came. Accidental announcements via online, so I can see results announcement via a computer in my home. I check the name of the participant who escaped one by one. And it turns out? My name is not listed in one of the lists of names. It makes me very disappointed. And I thought if my failures again, next? Once cannot buy the camera with its own money, it turns out I can not deepen the science of photography at the University that I dreamed about? It is make  me so sad. (complication)
          but that failure does not make me discouraged. because, although I can not enter and study at the University. I can still study in self-taught through some information or knowledge either in writing or online as it is now. and thank God I was able to become an editor, though not as a photographer. (resolution)

Analyze the text :

Theme             : My Failure

Introducing   : Two years ago, when I was in the third grade of high school. I
have the desire to continue education to a higher level at one of the universities in jakarta with the Faculty of modelling and photography. To achieve my desire, I always try to learn in earnest.
Plot                 : Forward - Back
Characters      : I, my friends (patient), My Parents (patient)
Setting           : -place           : in the School. In My Home and in the test room
                         -time            : two years ago
                         -situation      : serious

Climax            :      I check the name of the participant who escaped one by one.
And it turns out? My name is not listed in one of the lists of names. It makes me very disappointed. And I thought if my failures again, next? Once cannot buy the camera with its own money, it turns out I can not memperedalam the science of photography at the University that I dreamed about? It is membat I am very sad.

Conclution     : but that failure does not make me discouraged. because, although
I can not enter and study at the University. I can still study in self-taught through some information or knowledge either in writing or online as it is now. and thank God I was able to become an editor, though not as a photographer
The purpose of this text : to entertain the readers about my story “My Failure, to be a famous photographer”.

Note    : the underline sentences are the topic sentence.